Do Calm Down Corners Really Work? And Ideas To Create An Effective One At Home

Do Calm Down Corners Really Work? And Ideas To Create An Effective One At Home

If you have little ones at home or have ever been in the presence of a young child dealing with BIG emotions – you know that kids don’t always know how to express strong feelings. Being able to identify, process, and regulate emotions is a learned skill – not something that kids are born with. 

Managing emotions – especially challenging ones like anger, disappointment, anxiety, or frustration – is a lifelong learning process that takes a lot of time and effort to really master. And as parents, it’s our job to help teach our kids how to deal with big feelings in a healthy way. 

Teaching our kids how to regulate their emotions is hands down one of the most important gifts we can pass on to them. And one increasingly popular and incredibly effective tool to help our kids with emotional regulation is what’s known as a “Calm Down Corner”.

What Exactly Is A Calm Down Corner?

A Calm Down Corner is a cozy, dedicated space designed to help kids regulate their emotions and find their inner peace. While the name implies that this space is a “corner” it by no means has to be confined to a corner. The key is to have a designated area, no matter how small, where your child feels comfortable and secure. 

It could be a nook in their bedroom, a section of the living room, or even a cozy spot in the classroom. The location matters less than the intention behind it. Regardless of where they reset up, Calm Corners are meant to create a little sanctuary. They offer a haven where children can retreat when they're feeling overwhelmed, angry, or sad – giving them the chance to take a breather and reset.

By having a specific place that’s always available for cooling down, children learn that it's okay to take a step back and find their calm whenever they need to.

Is A Calm Down Corner Like A Time Out?

Now, you might be thinking, "Isn't this just like a time-out?" Well, here's the twist – it's the complete opposite! Traditional time-outs are all about isolation and punishment, often leaving kids to grapple with their emotions alone. A Calm Down Corner, however, flips the script entirely. Instead of being sent away to "think about what they've done," kids are invited to a "time-in" to reflect on their feelings in a supportive and nurturing environment.

This approach fosters emotional intelligence and self-soothing skills. It’s not about isolating a child for bad behavior but about providing a safe space for them to understand and process their feelings. Imagine the difference: a punitive time-out can feel like rejection, while a Calm Down Corner feels like an embrace, acknowledging that it's okay to feel upset and that there are healthy ways to cope with those feelings. By having a specific place that’s always available for cooling down, children learn that it's okay to take a step back and find their calm whenever they need to.

But, Do Calm Down Corners Really Work?

Absolutely, they do! Calm Down Corners are more than just a trendy concept; they are grounded in child psychology and supported by numerous studies that emphasize the importance of emotional regulation. When children are provided with a designated space to calm down, they learn to identify and manage their emotions effectively. This proactive approach can lead to fewer tantrums, reduced anxiety, and improved behavior overall. By giving kids the tools and environment to self-soothe, we empower them to handle big feelings in a healthy and constructive manner.

Teachers and parents who have implemented Calm Down Corners often report noticeable changes. Children become more adept at recognizing their emotional triggers and are better equipped to manage stress. These spaces offer a consistent, reliable option for kids to turn to when they feel overwhelmed, reinforcing the idea that it's okay to step back and take a moment for themselves. The real magic lies in the consistency and routine of having such a space, which helps children build trust in the process and in their ability to navigate their own emotions.

What Age Can You Start Using A Calm Corner?

You can start using a Calm Down Corner with children as young as toddlers! Even at a young age, children experience big emotions that they don't yet have the words to express. Introducing a Calm Down Corner early on helps them begin to understand and manage their feelings in a positive way. For toddlers, the corner can include simple items like soft toys, picture books, and sensory bottles, which can help distract and soothe them.

As children grow, the Calm Down Corner can evolve with them. For preschoolers and older kids, you can introduce more advanced tools such as feelings charts, calming music, and mindfulness activities. The key is to tailor the space to suit the developmental needs of the child, making it a versatile tool that can support emotional regulation at any age. By establishing this practice early, you set the foundation for lifelong emotional resilience and self-awareness.

Emotional regulation is a lifelong process, and having a safe, comforting space to return to whenever you need it – no matter what age you are – can make a world of difference. By creating a Calm Corner and modeling how to use it, adults can show children that taking time to care for our emotional well-being is important at any age, reinforcing the value of self-care and emotional health for the whole family.

So how can you tap into the benefits of a Calm Corner and create one at home?

How To Create A Calm Corner At Home

Creating an effective Calm Down Corner at home for your kids is simple and rewarding. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you set up a nurturing space:

  • Choose a Quiet Location: Find a quiet, low-traffic area in your home where interruptions are minimal. It doesn't have to be a literal corner – any cozy nook or small space will do.

  • Add Comfortable Seating: Include soft pillows, cushions, or a bean bag chair to create a comfortable place to sit. Ensure the seating is cozy and inviting for your child.

  • Incorporate Calming Items: Soft toys, stuffed animals, and favorite blankets provide comfort and security. Sensory bottles, stress balls, and other tactile items can help soothe and distract.

  • Provide Engaging Activities: Picture books, coloring books, and crayons can help your child focus on something positive.

  • Add Personal Touches: Let your child choose some items for the space, like a favorite toy or special book. Personalizing the corner makes it more appealing and effective for your child.

  • Create a Soothing Atmosphere: Consider adding soft lighting, such as a small lamp or fairy lights, to create a calming ambiance. Gentle music or nature sounds can also enhance the soothing environment.

  • Ensure Accessibility: Make sure the Calm Down Corner is accessible at all times, so your child can use it whenever they need. Consistency is key to helping your child feel secure in using the space.

These tips set the stage for creating an inviting and calming place. But if you really want to help your little ones learn how to recognize, process, and cope with big feelings, you’ll want to include tools, activities, and strategies to help them.

Calm Down Corner Ideas: Tools and Activities to Help Kids Recognize, Process, and Cope with Big Feelings

Calm Down Corner Ideas

To make your Calm Down Corner truly effective, it's important to include various tools and activities that help children recognize, process, and cope with their emotions. Here are some essential additions:

  • Feelings Chart: A visual tool to help kids identify and express their emotions. Encourage your child to point to or name their feelings to develop emotional awareness.

  • Calming Choices: Provide a list of calming activities like reading a book, drawing, asking for a hug, saying a prayer, or playing with a sensory toy. This empowers kids to choose a soothing activity that works best for them.

  • Breathing Exercises: Teach simple breathing techniques such as deep belly breathing or "breathe in for four, out for four." Include visual aids or cards with instructions to guide them through the exercises.

  • Meditation: Introduce short, guided meditations designed for children. Use apps, recordings, or printed scripts to help them focus and relax.

  • Mindfulness Activities: Include activities like mindful coloring pages, nature observation, or gentle yoga poses. These activities encourage kids to be present and calm their minds.

  • Sensory Items: Incorporate sensory toys like stress balls, fidget spinners, or textured fabrics. These items can help kids manage stress and anxiety through tactile stimulation.

  • Emotion-Themed Books: Provide books that explore different emotions and how to handle them. Reading these stories can help kids understand and relate to their own feelings.

  • Journaling Supplies: Offer a journal and crayons or markers for kids who enjoy drawing or writing about their feelings. Encourage them to express their thoughts and emotions on paper.

  • Positive Affirmations: Include cards or posters with positive affirmations to boost their self-esteem and confidence. Encourage your child to read or repeat these affirmations regularly.

These tools and activities will not only enhance your Calm Down Corner but also equip your child with valuable skills to manage their emotions effectively. By incorporating these elements, you create a comprehensive space where your child can learn to navigate their feelings in a healthy and constructive way.

Now, you’re probably wondering where you can find all these tools and activities to incorporate into your homes Calm Corner

Where Do I Find Calm Corner Posters and Printables?

Finding the right tools to enhance your Calm Down Corner can make a world of difference in helping your child manage their emotions. If you're looking for high-quality, faith-based resources, you're in the right place! We have resources and printables (including Calm Down Corners) specifically designed for parents seeking to teach their children emotional regulation and social-emotional learning skills, all while incorporating Christian values.

Our resources are created with love and care, integrating both emotional regulation techniques and Christian principles to nurture your child's heart and mind.

Click here to explore our bundles and discover how these resources can equip your child with the skills and faith they need to thrive emotionally and spiritually.


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